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IMF Chief Boasts CBDCs Harvest ‘Very Useful Data’ for Public’s ‘Social Credit Score’


The head of the International Money Fund (IMF) has reassured his fellow globalists that a universal Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will provide enough data to give every member of the public around the world a “social credit score.”

According to IMF Managing Director Bo Li, it will soon be possible to usher in a Chinese-style social credit score system based on the data gathered from individuals’ CBDC wallet

Not only will bureaucratic agencies be able to track all payments made by any individual, but the centralized system will also be able to score them based on their spending habits.

For example, those who buy plane tickets and gas for a fossil fuel-powered vehicle will score poorly due to their high “carbon footprint” and alleged contribution to so-called “climate change.”

Those who use public transport and keep within a 15-minute radius of their home at all times, meanwhile, will score better.

In addition, people who buy ammunition, traditionally farmed food, or other “less desirable” items will score lower while those who comply with the globalist agenda will do better.

To advance this plan, the IMF is working, along with other international partners, to push forward a single CBDC to replace cash globally.

At an IMF seminar in October 2022, titled “CBDCs for Financial Inclusion: Risks and Rewards,” IMF chief Bo Li explained one way in which non-traditional data gathered from CBDC transactions can be used.

Li revealed that this information is already being used in China for credit scoring.

full story and video at

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