in World News

Arkansas Lawmakers Move to Hold Pharmaceutical Executives Criminally Liable for Vaccine Injuries


Lawmakers in Arkansas are considering legislation that could deliver a death blow to the pharmaceutical industry.

Senate Bill 6, introduced by Republican State Sen. Bryan King, would overcome the pharmaceutical industry’s federal liability shield for vaccine injuries.

The bill seeks to hold corporate executives criminally liable for “vaccine harms” if they concealed evidence of risks associated with an injection that subsequently seriously injured or killed the recipient.

Under Senate Bill 6, an executive officer of a pharmaceutical company who “knowingly hides, conceals, omits, or otherwise withholds evidence, documentation, or information that the vaccine has dangerous effects” would be criminally prosecuted.

Those execs would be charged with a felony and face a prison sentence of one year to life.

King said the bill is needed because the civil penalties and settlements from drug manufacturers and distributors from the opioid crisis aren’t enough to determine again from misleading the public.

“It’s about holding them criminally responsible,” King said.

“You can fine them $500 million but if they’ve made a billion off of it they don’t care.”

The bill is pending before the Arkansas Senate.

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