Alternative News – Conspiracy News

on August 17, 2024 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News World News

Carl Jung, Mystery Cults and MK Ultra: The Eleusinian Mystery Revival Now Underway

By Matthew Ehret In a previous report published on The Last American Vagabond, I outlined the esoteric rituals underlying the Paris 2024 Olympics and several extremely dangerous mystery cults that went to war with Christianity during its first several hundred years after the murder of Jesus. In that location I spent time outlining the essential characteristics of these three cults: Mithra, Isis-Serapis and Cybele-Attis, and I also outlined the fact that all three of those cults practiced the rites of Eleusis. Since today’s world is witnessing a vast initiatory ritual involving entire generations targeted for deconstruction under a new...

By Matthew Ehret In a previous report published on The Last American Vagabond, I outlined the esoteric rituals underlying the Paris 2024 Olympics and several extremely dangerous mystery cults that went to war with Christianity during its first several...

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on August 8, 2024 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News World News

Global Government Is No Conspiracy Theory

Authored by Dr. David McGrogan via We live in an age that is gesturing towards global government. This is not a conspiracy theory; it is something which perfectly respectable politicians, academics, policymakers and UN officials routinely talk about. What is crystallising is not exactly a single world Government, but rather a complicated mixture of aligned institutions, organisations, networks, systems and fora which has sometimes been given the fancy name of a ‘bricolage’ by international relations theorists. There is no centre, but rather a vast and nebulous conglomeration. This does not mean, though, that global government (or ‘global governance’,...

Authored by Dr. David McGrogan via We live in an age that is gesturing towards global government. This is not a conspiracy theory; it is something which perfectly respectable politicians, academics, policymakers and UN officials routinely talk about....

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on August 4, 2024 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News World News

The SCAM of Central Banks — EXPOSED and EXPLAINED

By Noah I know sometimes when people talk about “central banks” most people’s eyes tend to glaze over and they lose interest and fall into a coma. But please stick with me on this, because I promise it will be anything but boring! In fact, this is the hidden history they’ve tried very hard to keep from the public. History but also our current world. Because the problems of most every problem we experience in our world today can be traced directly to Central Banks — and that’s not an exaggeration. They rule by secrecy. The more light is...

By Noah I know sometimes when people talk about “central banks” most people’s eyes tend to glaze over and they lose interest and fall into a coma. But please stick with me on this, because I promise it will...

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on July 29, 2024 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News World News

The Abstract episode 40 “The Nazis and the CIA”

By Peter A. Kirby Following WWII the Central Intelligence Agency secreted over 1,600 former Nazis and their families into the United States. Many of these former Nazis were scientists who went on to work in areas applicable to today’s chemtrail spraying operations. Being that the Nazi regime of World War II had little regard for human life, lots of cutting edge-technology, and an authoritarian power structure, one can see how their scientists would fit neatly into what is referred to here as today’s New Manhattan Project. In this article we drill down and look at the specific individuals and...

By Peter A. Kirby Following WWII the Central Intelligence Agency secreted over 1,600 former Nazis and their families into the United States. Many of these former Nazis were scientists who went on to work in areas applicable to today’s...

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on July 22, 2024 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News World News

Engineering a Crisis: How Political Theater Helps the Deep State Stay in Power

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead “The two ‘sides’ of mainstream politics are not fighting against one another, they’re only fighting against you. Their only job is to keep you clapping along with the two-handed puppet show as they rob you blind and tighten your chains while your gaze is fixed on the performance.”—Caitlin Johnstone A failed assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. An incumbent president withdrawing his re-election bid at the 11th hour. A politicized judiciary that fails to hold the powers-that-be accountable to the rule of law. A world at war. A nation in turmoil. This...

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead “The two ‘sides’ of mainstream politics are not fighting against one another, they’re only fighting against you. Their only job is to keep you clapping along with the two-handed puppet show as...

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on July 7, 2024 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News World News

Dr. Stanley Monteith: The Forbidden Secret

By Noah Some of you may know the name Dr. Stanley Monteith….and if you do, you have my sincere respect. But I am guessing many people have never heard of him, which is why I want to bring him to the forefront right now. Dr. Monteith was a legend, a pioneer, a man before his time. Dr. Monteith was a Deplorable before anyone knew what the name meant. He was famous for exposing the secret societies in America and across the world. For those of you who do NOT like me talking bad about the Freemasons, you’re really not...

By Noah Some of you may know the name Dr. Stanley Monteith….and if you do, you have my sincere respect. But I am guessing many people have never heard of him, which is why I want to bring him...

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on May 7, 2024 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News World News

Another mysterious Roman dodecahedron unearthed by researchers in Europe

By Samantha Tipper, Anglia Ruskin University Roman dodecahedra are something of an enigma: there is no known mention of these 12-sided, hollow objects in ancient Roman texts or images. First discovered in the 18th century, around 130 dodecahedra have been found across the Roman Empire, although it is interesting that the majority have been found in northern Europe and Britain, and none have been found in Italy. Dodecahedra are quite intricate, featuring a number of round holes, with knobs framing the holes. It would have taken a very skilled craftsman to make them. They are made out of a...

By Samantha Tipper, Anglia Ruskin University Roman dodecahedra are something of an enigma: there is no known mention of these 12-sided, hollow objects in ancient Roman texts or images. First discovered in the 18th century, around 130 dodecahedra have...

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on March 5, 2024 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News World News

Should Tennessee Be Ranked #1 For Survivability For Preppers That Want To Survive The Cataclysmic Times That Are Coming?

By Michael Snyder If you are planning to relocate in anticipation of the extremely chaotic times that are rapidly approaching, there are four primary factors that I think people should be focusing on.  First of all, you will want to go some place where you will be surrounded by like-minded people.  Secondly, you will want to avoid locations that have a high population density.  Thirdly, you will want to avoid regions that are at high risk of experiencing natural disasters.  Lastly, it is important to consider how the area you are considering will fare during a nuclear conflict.  Of...

By Michael Snyder If you are planning to relocate in anticipation of the extremely chaotic times that are rapidly approaching, there are four primary factors that I think people should be focusing on.  First of all, you will want...

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on February 28, 2024 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News World News

According to his Son, Civil Rights Icon Paul Robeson Was a Victim of CIA’s MK-ULTRA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov [This article follows CAM’s attempts to expose the criminal history of the CIA and is also part of a special for Black History Month that looks at the intelligence agency’s war on Black American activists, which the corporate media never spotlights.—Editors] A celebrity performer who devoted his life to social justice struggles, Paul Robeson is an icon of the civil rights movement who helped set the groundwork for the political awakening of the 1960s. [Source:] However, during his lifetime, the FBI and CIA considered Robeson a dangerous subversive and used all kinds of dirty tricks...

By Jeremy Kuzmarov [This article follows CAM’s attempts to expose the criminal history of the CIA and is also part of a special for Black History Month that looks at the intelligence agency’s war on Black American activists, which...

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