Tag Archive: Black Muslim Teen Writes #BlackLivesMatter 100 Times on Stanford Application…Gets Accepted

on April 4, 2017 in World News

Black Muslim Teen Writes #BlackLivesMatter 100 Times on Stanford Application…Gets Accepted

By: Hank Berrien A Muslim teen who was excitedly accepted by prestigious Stanford University offered one hell of a personal statement as part of his application, simply writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 times. Stanford replied to the application of Ziad Ahmed, a high school student in New Jersey, by stating: Congratulations! You have been admitted to Stanford’s class of 2021! Everyone who reviewed your application was inspired by your passion, determination, accomplishments and heart. We acknowledge and celebrate all you have worked for with the good news this letter brings. You are, quire simply, a fantastic match for Stanford. You will...

By: Hank Berrien A Muslim teen who was excitedly accepted by prestigious Stanford University offered one hell of a personal statement as part of his application, simply writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 times. Stanford replied to the application of Ziad Ahmed,...

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