Tag Archive: Black Racism Goes Mainstream

on October 1, 2016 in World News

Black Racism Goes Mainstream

A movement based on race-hatred gets the thumbs up from the government, the media and the culture-at-large.   Black racism is getting worse in America because it is being validated, endorsed, and legitimized like never before. And it’s not just Barack Obama doing this. This race-based hatred is promoted by America-hating currency speculator George Soros who has been funding the racist, violent Black Lives Matter movement for years. Instead of urging crime-fighting, Chris Stone, president of Open Society Foundations, supports disarming the police, a move that would make things worse and leave society at the mercy of criminals. Black...

A movement based on race-hatred gets the thumbs up from the government, the media and the culture-at-large.   Black racism is getting worse in America because it is being validated, endorsed, and legitimized like never before. And it’s not...

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