Tag Archive: Black Senator Slams Whites

on March 28, 2016 in World News

Black Senator Slams Whites, Then Issues Stunning Mass Shooting Threat

After a black Nebraska state senator known for making outrageous statements said something unheard of yet again — this time in reference to whites — nothing happened to him, and he continued to serve in office as if nothing had ever occurred. What did he say this time? Oh nothing special, save for that he would pull out a semiautomatic weapon and “mow everybody down” if he were white. “If I was up here, I’d probably pick these books up and start throwing them around,” Omaha Sen. Ernie Chambers said in regard to why he chose to watch a legislative debate about discrimination last week...

After a black Nebraska state senator known for making outrageous statements said something unheard of yet again — this time in reference to whites — nothing happened to him, and he continued to serve in office as if nothing had ever occurred....

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