Black Woman Completely Annihilates Leftist Charlottesville Narrative
by Jim Hoft Black common sense conservative Candice Owens published this amazing video this week after the violent clashes, on both sides, in Charlottesville last weekend. Candice rants against the liberal media establishment’s reporting on the violent rioting that resulted in one death and several injuries. “White supremacy and the KKK. Really? That’s what you guys want me to be concerned about this week? I mean there are around 6,000 klansmen left in our nation. You want me to seriously process that every day when I wake up?… Why did we not hear a single thing about David Duke,...
by Jim Hoft Black common sense conservative Candice Owens published this amazing video this week after the violent clashes, on both sides, in Charlottesville last weekend. Candice rants against the liberal media establishment’s reporting on the violent rioting that...
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