Climate Barbie – Natives in Jails
Climate Barbie Has no time for climate deniers Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says she has “no time” for political adversaries who don’t believe climate change is real. During an interview with CTV Question Period host Evan Solomon, McKenna smacked down critics of the Liberals’ climate change plan and price on carbon. “I have no time for folks who are like, you know, ‘We shouldn’t take action,'” she said. “I don’t have time for politicians that play cynical games about climate action.” On ‘Climate Barbie’ and the art of the insult “Climate Barbie” is a brilliant barb. Wish...
Climate Barbie Has no time for climate deniers Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says she has “no time” for political adversaries who don’t believe climate change is real. During an interview with CTV Question Period host Evan Solomon, McKenna...
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