Tag Archive: clubs

on October 6, 2021 in World News

Ontario school board bans unvaccinated children from sports teams, clubs

by Jack Bingham ‘I can think of no logical explanation for these new mandates other than more political lip service. A further push for control, maybe.’ (LifeSiteNews) — The Limestone District School Board in Kingston, Ontario, unveiled a new policy on Tuesday that bans unvaccinated children from school sports teams and clubs. In a statement on Tuesday, Limestone District School Board’s (LDSB) Director of Education, Krishna Burra, announced that the board is actively barring any children 12 and older who have not been “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19 from taking part in school sports and other extra-curricular clubs. Therefore, effective...

by Jack Bingham ‘I can think of no logical explanation for these new mandates other than more political lip service. A further push for control, maybe.’ (LifeSiteNews) — The Limestone District School Board in Kingston, Ontario, unveiled a new...

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