Tag Archive: CNN Counters UN: Claims U.S. Gun Deaths ‘One of the World’s Highest’

on November 7, 2016 in Gun Page World News

CNN Counters UN: Claims U.S. Gun Deaths ‘One of the World’s Highest’

by AWR Hawkins The 2008 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) shows the U.S. as the 92nd highest for homicides among 192 other countries around the world. This agrees with a 2012 Congressional Research Services (CRS) report showing the firearm-related homicide rate in the U.S. fell sharply as private gun ownership began soaring post-1994. More recently–on October 22–The Telegraph reported that the U.S. is number one on the list of Top 10 countries for private gun ownership, yet the U.S. does not even crack the Top 10 list for countries with most firearm deaths. Synopsis: UNODC presents U.S…. View Article

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