Tag Archive: Come Join Our Cause’

on September 1, 2020 in World News

Black Trump Supporters: ‘We’re the Rebels! You Wanna be Cool, Come Join Our Cause’

by Kyle Olson A group of black Trump supporters lit up a recent Freedom Rally protest in Beverly Hills, California. One man, dubbed “MAGA Hulk” challenged some counter-protesters to explain how President Trump is racist. They could not. When black conservatives speak!!! #Trump2020 pic.twitter.com/hzKzpfiBiZ — MAGA Hulk (@realmagahulk) August 31, 2020 “I’ve seen him quoted saying some racist shit about black people,” the counter protester said. “Like what?” MAGA Hulk, who goes by @RealMAGAHulk on Twitter, demanded. When the man didn’t answer, MAGA Hulk said, “Nothing! You got nothing!” “They can’t answer the question because they don’t have facts...

by Kyle Olson A group of black Trump supporters lit up a recent Freedom Rally protest in Beverly Hills, California. One man, dubbed “MAGA Hulk” challenged some counter-protesters to explain how President Trump is racist. They could not. When...

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