Dallas Cowboys Defy Obama, Take Jaw-Dropping Pro-Cop Stand
by Christy Lee Parker Regardless of how you feel about their performance on the football field, Americans everywhere should be cheering the Dallas Cowboys for the message they just sent to leftists, including Divider-in-Chief Barack Obama, with their pro-police tribute. The sight itself was jaw-dropping, but the massive stand is what’s really impressive as they boldly defied the false narrative promoted by Obama and his fellow progressives. As the Cowboys’ training camp began, players took the field in waves, but it’s not the famed NFL players that left people jaw-dropped. Arm-in-arm in a display of solidarity, they escorted special...
by Christy Lee Parker Regardless of how you feel about their performance on the football field, Americans everywhere should be cheering the Dallas Cowboys for the message they just sent to leftists, including Divider-in-Chief Barack Obama, with their pro-police...
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