Tag Archive: Government Should End ‘Compulsory Heterosexuality’

on September 6, 2019 in Featured World News

Activists: Transgenders Are Sexually Unwanted, Government Should End ‘Compulsory Heterosexuality’

by Neil Munro The government should intervene to boost the sexual attractiveness of transgender people because they are sexually rejected by roughly 97 percent of heterosexuals, and by most gays and lesbians, according to a survey by pro-transgender advocates. “Why should the resultance to date trans individuals be treated differently than the coercive and regulating effects of compulsory heterosexuality?” says the 2019 study, titled “Transgender Exclusion from the World of Dating.” The article continued: Choices in romantic partnerships are frequently overlooked and chalked-up to a mere matter of personal preference … [but] transmisogyny is symptomatic of the current gender...

by Neil Munro The government should intervene to boost the sexual attractiveness of transgender people because they are sexually rejected by roughly 97 percent of heterosexuals, and by most gays and lesbians, according to a survey by pro-transgender advocates....

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