Tag Archive: Keep Concentration Camps Elected To U.N. Human Rights Council

on October 14, 2020 in World News

Countries That Kill Journalists, Keep Concentration Camps Elected To U.N. Human Rights Council

By Tristan Justice China, Russia, and Cuba were each awarded seats on the United Nations Human Rights Council Tuesday despite their gross abuses of the very rights the council pledges to uphold. The council, which the United States withdrew from in protest of its condemnation of Israel while bolstering Venezuela and Saudi Arabia two years ago, features a mission statement that its inclusion of rights-violating nations directly contradicts. It reads: The mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is to work for the protection of all human rights for all people; to help...

By Tristan Justice China, Russia, and Cuba were each awarded seats on the United Nations Human Rights Council Tuesday despite their gross abuses of the very rights the council pledges to uphold. The council, which the United States withdrew...

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