Tag Archive: “Ridiculous” federal incentive to reduce cow burps will likely cause beef prices to rise

on December 12, 2023 in World News

“Ridiculous” federal incentive to reduce cow burps will likely cause beef prices to rise

By Isaac Lamoureux The federal government unveils a new climate policy incentivizing farmers to reduce how much their cows burp. Revealed at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, the Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Beef Cattle protocol will encourage beef cattle farms to reduce methane emissions by improving animal diets to make the cows less gassy. In 2021, agriculture was responsible for 31% of Canada’s total methane emissions, mostly from enteric fermentation produced by beef and dairy cattle, the federal government says. Methane is released into the air when cows burp. If successful in reducing their cow burps, farmers...

By Isaac Lamoureux The federal government unveils a new climate policy incentivizing farmers to reduce how much their cows burp. Revealed at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, the Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Beef Cattle protocol will encourage...

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