Trump Administration: One Of The Most Transparent In US History, Open To Media
by Lucian Wintrich Over the past few days, the MSM has once again gone on a propaganda filled rampage against the Trump Administration. The charge this time? They are claiming there is a lack of transparency because visitor logs are currently kept secret. Knowing the left’s history of demonizing, boycotting, or rallying against, every business leader, politician, and individual who is supportive of this administration, this comes as little surprise. While we’re talking about transparency, however, let’s flash back to a comparison of the current Trump administration and the Obama administration. The Trump administration is extremely transparent. In fact,...
by Lucian Wintrich Over the past few days, the MSM has once again gone on a propaganda filled rampage against the Trump Administration. The charge this time? They are claiming there is a lack of transparency because visitor logs...
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