Tag Archive: Trump Has Cut Federal Government By 24

on June 7, 2018 in World News

Trump Has Cut Federal Government By 24,000 Jobs Since Taking Office

By Mike LaChance The size and scope of government grew significantly under President Obama. Lots of liberals wanted to work for him and he seemed happy to hire many of them. Since becoming president, Trump has been scaling back the size of government with great success. CNS News reports: Trump Has Cut Federal Payroll by 24,000 Jobs The federal government cut 3,000 jobs in May and federal employment has now dropped by 24,000 since President Donald Trump took office, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Even as federal government jobs were declining, overall employment...

By Mike LaChance The size and scope of government grew significantly under President Obama. Lots of liberals wanted to work for him and he seemed happy to hire many of them. Since becoming president, Trump has been scaling back...

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