in World News

English Professor: Canoes Are Symbols of Colonialism and Genocide

Because we all know only white people have ever used canoes.

by  Mark Tapson

At TruthRevolt we feel it’s important to educate our readers about the colonialist, genocidal tendencies inherent in privileged whiteness. Thus we bring you this latest nugget of enlightenment from the self-loathing in academia: canoes, like the one being paddled by the racists in the photo above, are symbols of colonialism, white imperialism, and genocide.

According to, Canadian English professor Misao Dean, who indoctrinates — oops — teaches at the University of Victoria, made this curious observation during an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

“Certainly the majority of wilderness canoers are people who have a very privileged place in society,” she said. “They’re frequently highly educated people. They’re almost completely white.” So what? Apparently what highly-educated white people do in their spare time incenses Prof. Dean.

“We have a whole set of narratives that make the canoe into something that seems ordinary,” she continued. “But I think if you look a little further that narrative obscures or erases another narrative – and that narrative is about, to be blunt, it’s about theft and genocide.”

It’s unclear what teaching in an English Department has to do with lecturing people about canoe-powered colonialism, but in academia today every subject, including the hard sciences, is an opportunity for radical multiculturalists to steer class discussion toward deconstructing the imaginary white power structure. Reading James Fenimore Cooper in her class must be fun.

Even other academics called Dean out for this embarrassing theory, to which the self-proclaimed “old-school feminist” retorted that her critics were engaging in “oversimplification and anti-intellectualism”:

No doubt Prof. Dean will consider this “oversimplified and anti-intellectual,” but white canoe-goers today have nothing to do with colonialism or genocide, and as Andrew Cross notes in his tweet below, people from virtually every culture have used some sort of canoe throughout history:

Don’t you get it, Mr. Cross? Everything can be about white privilege if you look hard enough.

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