Tag Archive: CNN Mad Spicer Didn’t Call on Them at Press Briefing

on April 21, 2017 in World News

ABC, CNN Mad Spicer Didn’t Call on Them at Press Briefing

Aww, poor babies. by Trey Sanchez Both ABC and CNN were left out of the questioning during Wednesday’s White House briefing and they aren’t too happy about it. According to Newsbusters, ABC’s Jonathan Karl stomped over to Twitter to tattle on press secretary Sean Spicer:  Over at CNN, White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny whined to Wolf Blitzer, “And he did not take many questions from some news organizations, including CNN. So, we were not able to ask him if the president believed, at the moment, he said that that the [USS] Carl Vinson was indeed heading that direction [in...

Aww, poor babies. by Trey Sanchez Both ABC and CNN were left out of the questioning during Wednesday’s White House briefing and they aren’t too happy about it. According to Newsbusters, ABC’s Jonathan Karl stomped over to Twitter to...

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